Monday 24 October 2011

Dead Cute Vest

Afternoon everyone,
Had a nice session on 'Pets' this morning! Trying to save for a horse.. it's taking forever. ( I hate cheating!), Anyways,been busy this past hour or so creating a cute vest top. 'Dead Cute'. It's fully recolourable and avaiable in the 'everyday' category for YA and Adult females. I thought it goes well with the shoes I created . I hope you like!!



  1. That is some massive cleavage lol Totally downloading XD

  2. Hahaha! I know, right. Wish I could say the same about myself! Hey Shyne, just tried creating lipstick.. I use photoshop and they don't turn out too great! Would you say GIMP is better for makeup? Thanks for the tutorial by the way! X
